Friday, March 18, 2011


I remember the day that I first met Diesel. Although I had always been a huge fan of German Shepherds, I wasn't around many growing up or even when I was walking dogs in the neighbourhood. It wasn't until last spring/summer that I met a very large Shepherd puppy and instantly fell in love with him.

Now a year old, Diesel has matured into a very handsome boy. Not only does he have a beautiful coat and bright eyes, but he is also a big 'ol teddy bear always looking for someone to love. He has to greet every person we walk by and although at first they may be startled by this big dog staring them down, they are always won over by his big, bushy wagging tail and his whole body wiggle when he gets close to them. He truly is a wonderful boy!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


It's always fun when I get a new dog walking client with an unique breed. The dog lover in me turns into a 3year old again and I have to tell everyone I know that I am walking such a cool breed of dog. The photographer in me starts hunting for the perfect location to take pictures of the dog.

Tank came into my life just over a year ago when he was only a few months old. He is the sweetest bulldog you've ever met and just loves everyone he meets... and let me just say that when walking a bulldog you will meet a lot of people. Everyone stops to say hello and ask questions and asks to give him a pat. Along with that, Tank is a natural model and loves being in front of the camera.

Friday, March 4, 2011

The Rio Pup

Many people have been asking me how Rio has been coping with having to share his home with an obnoxious little puppy. Well, he's not exactly jumping for joy, but each day seems to get a little better. We have been spoiling Rio with love and treats (I think he may have packed on a 1lbs or so with all the cookies), and he enjoys our walks where it's just him and I against the world. I know he will accept her, she's just a little too much in his face at the moment and still learning the rules and boundaries.

Overall, he's been an amazing boy and I'm very proud of him. With each day he improves and I look forward to the time that he actually realizes that playing with Eko might actually not be a bad idea.