Thursday, September 30, 2010


Until a few months ago I didn't have any "Diesel" in my life. Now, I have two! Both are younger, wonderful dogs. The first Diesel is the very handsome German Shepherd that I posted pictures of in August, and "my" second Diesel is a gorgeous Golden (well... actually, White) Retriever. This post is for Diesel the Retriever.

Diesel was adopted at the beginning of summer, and I have the pleasure of walking/jogging with him. Still young (about 14/16 months old), Diesel has a lot of energy to burn and could walk and run for hours. This was why I decided to take him into the wilderness for a short while and let him romp and play. Once again, this is at G Lord Ross park, but I found I was able to get completely different areas for each picture. Enjoy!

Friday, September 24, 2010


Yesterday I had the pleasure of taking Marley (a beagle client) out for a three hour adventure. I decided to walk with her to G Lord Ross park. I brought a 20foot lead and my camera and attached Marley around my waist and off we went! We had a great time and I'm pretty sure that a couple times Marley's nose was overloaded with all the smells. She was a true hound-dog - nose to the ground and desperate to catch those squirrels!

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Here's something a little different. As well as owning my adorable little dog, Rio, I also share my life with three talented and fun loving budgies. Today I'd like to introduce you to my youngest and most tame - Ripley.

Ripley (also known as "Ripples") is quite the talented little bird (as his name would suggest). He has learned how to say his name and loves to blurt out "Ripley Ripples!" throughout the day. As well, I taught him how to wolf whistle and he also will start mumbling "happy bird" or "pretty bird" and other words I can't quite decipher just yet. I have been working with him on different words and sounds and hopefully my little guy will be quite the conversationalist as he gets older.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


I've known Finn since he was a wee little pup (though, honestly... he was never THAT little!) and he has grown into quite the handsome and well behaved guy. Still obsessed with his squeaky ball and loving to run, Finnigan is just a big puppy at heart. The key word in all of this is "BIG". Finn is a large and lean chocolate labrador who gets many compliments while we are out walking. Just the other day I was walking Finn down a busy street and someone driving by had a megaphone in their car (you have to admit, it would come in handy with some bad drivers) and yelled out "I like your dog!" at us. Not really knowing how to react, I gave them the thumbs up.

Along with his super good looks, Finn sports a great personality. He just loves people! It completely makes his day when a stranger comes over to say hello - he always offers them a wagging tail and lots and lots of loving leaning.